Last week, a strange hush descended on the studio… all that could be heard was the scratching of metal nibs on paper and the occasional splash of ink.
Like studious monks from the middle ages, our studio scribes were creating illuminated manuscripts; perhaps unlike the monks, their illustrations featured robots, cupcakes and octopuses:
You know how much the After-Schoolers love to draw, so drawing with a new medium, one with its own unique charms and challenges engrossed them entirely.
With students as good as these, don’t they deserve something special? Something glorious? And golden?
Introducing…. THE LOG OF GLORY. Each week we will select the student most worthy of standing on the golden log; this week MIMI was appointed Queen of the Studio – thank you, Mimi!
And thats not all!
ANDY NARWHAL is is now suspended gracefully from the studio ceiling; never has a whale looked so benevolent! We are all thrilled to have him hanging about up there, keeping us company. Come and take a look!