Learn about the history of fashion and how culture impacts our clothing. Campers will learn about patterns and how to make their own. Your camper is encouraged to bring older clothing that they can upcycle as well. Hand sewing and machine sewing will be taught. We’ll end our week with a runway show in the yard!
For campers staying past noon we’ll have a lunch break and then dive into choice-based activities which include fine arts, games and outside play.
Campers should wear clothes that can get dirty and comfortable shoes. Everyone should bring a water bottle and snack, as well as a lunch if you’re staying after 12:00 pm.
No food with nuts, please.
Sign up options:
- Pick up at 12pm, $52 per day (or if you sign up for all 5 days, the discounted price is $225)
- Pick up at 3pm, $89 per day (or if you sign up for all 5 days, the discounted price is $395)
- Pick up at 6pm, $125 per day (or if you sign up for all 5 days, the discounted price is $525)
We offer sibling discounts for 2 or more siblings signed up for a 5-day week:
- 2 or more siblings signed up all week, picking up at 3pm, $22 off (5dayssibling3)
- 2 or more siblings signed up all week, picking up at 6pm, $30 off (5dayssibling6)